Just wondering if you are okay after the cyclone hit. I know there is no power, but let us know as soon as you can?
For the benefit of others, cyclone Ului hit the Queensland coast about 10 or so hours ago. First reports are that it wasn't too bad, but homes are damaged and power is out, and won't be connected until the worst of the weather passes.
We are only affected by miserable rain and winds, as we are a very long way south.
I went to the coast on Friday, and the waves were very choppy and frothy. The sea was really seething in places. There were still silly people out in it surfing and swimming in areas where there are no lifesavers. But it was beautiful to watch. That's all from the effects of the cyclone.
Let's hope she battened down the hatches good and proper and is shooting pics of the storm from the safety of shelter even as we speak.
I found an article on it.
Cyclone-ravaged north Queensland 'dodges a bullet'
All fine here... missed the cyclone by miles. Knew by Friday that we would miss it, that it would pass down south for a change. Thanks for the concern though!!
That's a relief. I don't know how far north you are, and I thought you might have been affected. Nasty things, cyclones.