appropriate-behavior appropriate-behaviour asphalt black blue bollards care careful caution changes changing communicating communication cones delineators directive footpath information informing message red road-junction road-sign road-surface roads roadside sign signage signs slow-down slower speed-reduction street street-sign T-junction temporary thoroughfare traffic traffic-cones traffic-flow uneven-surfaces warning white witches-hats wording words circular cloud-formation clouds concrete construction curb curbing curbs danger edging fill infrastructure public-space roundabout sand street-lighting surface surfaces surfacing traffic-control trees mobile-lighting

search result for T-junction (5)

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0 0 grade account_circle traffic sign3
0 0 grade account_circle roundabout roadwork1
0 0 grade account_circle roundabout roadwork6
2 0 grade account_circle new roundabout3
0 0 grade account_circle new roundabout5
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