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Tutorial site to inspire you

1. Zela12 January 2010, 14:31 GMT +00:00

I have some ideas for tutorials but not much time at the moment to work them out. So here are a few sites that inspired me.


Have fun!

2. Zela12 January 2010, 14:36 GMT +00:00

My internet has the hick-ups today. My duplicate posts will be removed.
Sorry for this.

3. crisderaud12 January 2010, 16:02 GMT +00:00

It does have the hiccups. I found that many of my invitations at sxc double posted yesterday when I checked the comments I sent.

We need to be able to make a new paragraph here too.

I check John Nack's site every day . He always has cutting edge stuff, news from Adobe and links to interesting stuff.


4. jazza12 January 2010, 21:37 GMT +00:00

Chis ,
The new lines (paragraphs) problems are solved now. Thank you for your input

5. krayker16 January 2010, 5:17 GMT +00:00


useful stuff.

6. Zela16 January 2010, 9:42 GMT +00:00

More additions to the list with useful tutorial sites.


7. crisderaud16 January 2010, 16:29 GMT +00:00

Found another set of tutorials with StumbleUpon add-on in Firefox.


8. crisderaud16 January 2010, 16:38 GMT +00:00

@5 I have seen the site before and I found the Part 3 introduction to lenses to be very informative after I got a Canon SLR.

I was confused by lenses at first but was able to get them sorted out with the advice from Dave Ritter and SteveFE.

9. crisderaud17 January 2010, 19:07 GMT +00:00

Perhaps this site has not been mentioned yet but it has some good ones.


10. saavem18 January 2010, 19:51 GMT +01:00

As a GPL OS and Software user, I recommend the Gimp. Some tutorials examples:

http://www.gimp.org/tutorials/ (For beginner, Intermediate an Expert user)

I hope a lot of people using Gimp too!

11. crisderaud19 January 2010, 23:26 GMT +01:00

I know for certain that many people use Gimp. It is one of the free software that did not get ruined by trying to make it too big and do too much.

YouTube Has a vast collection of video tutorials for Gimp.

12. lennie20 January 2010, 0:01 GMT +01:00

I always wonder about ease-of-use of the GIMP. I hear some people have problems with it and I always think, is this because they know Photoshop so well but GIMP is different. They are changing the user-interface though. Let's hope for the best.

13. xymonau20 January 2010, 0:36 GMT +01:00

I have PhotoImpactX3 - and it's definitely the last one ever made. I can't afford anything else, and I'm used to it now. If anyone wants help with it, contact me.

14. crisderaud20 January 2010, 1:11 GMT +01:00

Dez, you are a PhotoImpact guru! I am amazed by the creations you have produced with that software.

15. crisderaud20 January 2010, 1:19 GMT +01:00

Tons of Photoshop tips and tricks at Graphic - Design. com

Tips, tricks, plug-ins, downloads, software. Pages of the stuff.


Score another hit for StumbleUpon. When you have nothing to do on the internet, find something with StumbleUpon!

I believe it was from Hillary where I first heard about StumbleUpon.

16. saavem20 January 2010, 12:38 GMT +01:00

@11 Thaks Cris
@12 I never learnt to use photoshop. I'm sure it is an advantage lennie
@13 I agree Cris, your creations are really wonderful! Thanks Dez

17. lennie4 February 2010, 19:22 GMT +01:00

If anyone has any interrest in the new GIMP interface here is an article about it:

18. lennie6 February 2010, 1:35 GMT +01:00

Also if you are going to use a program to change some pictures to fit a purpose, please don't mess it up, people will notice:


19. krayker8 March 2010, 13:28 GMT +01:00

If its a tutorial site to "inspire" then, i'd reckon flickr qualifies as one of the top sites!
we often learn to shoot by imitating another great angle, a great looking shot. flickr is a goldmine of brilliant and creative photographers.

20. Zela25 March 2010, 10:40 GMT +01:00


Great tutorials.

21. crisderaud26 March 2010, 3:09 GMT +01:00

I looked at the Brilliant Matte Dispersion Effects in Photoshop at creative fan.

The list of stock used for textures and brushes was 21 different images. Good textures are essential to create these kind of techniques.

22. Zela26 March 2010, 9:28 GMT +01:00

The list of sxc photos used is impressive. Let's change this soon shall we ;-)
The sxc database is very outdated with old low quality files. I have downloaders contacting me already for being happy with our new standards and fresh content. It's a real time saver for them.

23. crisderaud27 March 2010, 10:18 GMT +01:00

Posted wrong place :)

24. Zela5 April 2010, 23:13 GMT +02:00


New resource site for tutorials.

25. crisderaud6 April 2010, 2:27 GMT +02:00

Good set of tuts. I like the glassy balls tutorial.

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