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Last One To Post on RGBstock Wins

1. xymonau12 January 2010, 22:53 GMT +00:00

Well, it had to be done, didn't it? And since this is both the first and last post, I have won. Thank you all.

5090. gesinek24 March 2013, 15:32 GMT +01:00

He wants to make you weak, for you give him the prize voluntarily.
But I have the prize. He can to to you in sweet words - it can't work.

5091. xymonau25 March 2013, 5:22 GMT +01:00

Well, he knows where you live, so expect him there shortly with more sweet words.

5092. gesinek26 March 2013, 12:03 GMT +01:00

We'll hide in Danmark over easter. There will be less snow.

5093. xymonau26 March 2013, 16:11 GMT +01:00

You could hide here. There's none.

5094. gesinek27 March 2013, 14:31 GMT +01:00

I really like that idea, but it's to expensive for me and I'm only off 'til next Thursday.

We have to save the money for the race series my husband will drive this year. It is expensive enough. Entry fee, slicks, spare parts, fuel.....

5095. xymonau28 March 2013, 4:42 GMT +01:00

That sounds very glamorous. What does he drive? And does he win?

Well, since you have snubbed my invitation, I am sending some armed men to collect the prize and escort him back here in chains. Enough of all his little adventures. I want him away from Kray, grandfather and anyone else who will try to steal him. How dare he live it up in Denmark while I swelter here?

5096. gesinek28 March 2013, 9:39 GMT +01:00

Allow him the little trip. He'll bring along some smørrebrød for you.

My man is driving a Ducati this year it is a faster model than before. We will see what it makes. First race is 12/13. April at Eurospeedway. About 100 km to the south from where Micheal and Christa are living.

5097. xymonau28 March 2013, 15:30 GMT +01:00

Wow. It sounds glamorous. Is it? And is it a well known speedway?

I think I'd enjoy the smørrebrød. I like very dark rye, but have only had it in small packages, and it's quite moist. I'm not sure if it's the same.

5098. gesinek30 March 2013, 13:26 GMT +01:00

smørrebrød: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Smørrebrød

Yes it is usually made with dark bread and very tasty.

The speedway is usually used for car races but there is a special route for motorcycles. It is not as popular as Sachsenring, which is one of the tracks, the MotoGP http://www.motogp.com/ circus stops.

I will make photos to show it

5099. xymonau31 March 2013, 12:16 GMT +02:00

Good. I'd like to see them. Is your husband among the photos on that site, Gesine? Or does he have any online pics regarding the racing? Do you ride as well?

The rye I was referring to is a bit different from the images on wiki. I read all the toppings, and I'm afraid I'd have to pass on most! LOL Maybe roast beef or smoked salmon, but not with horseradish or prawns.

Lately I have had a weakness for wraps made with very thin flat cornbread. Theyre nicer toasted, but I don't always have the patience, and my hands are too iffy lately. I drop everything! Mostly salad ingredients with avocado and a bit of sauce of some kind. I could eat them all day.

5100. gesinek1 April 2013, 12:05 GMT +02:00

Oh no no my husbund isn't riding MotoGP Its a serie called Sportbike Masters by a german promoter http://www.artmotor.com.

It's a serie for non professionals but it's fun. I'm not riding. I make the things around which are necessary. So to say 'grid girl' Friday.

Enjoy easter

5101. xymonau2 April 2013, 1:30 GMT +02:00

It sounds like a lot of fun. Well, I hope you both have a safe and happy time there. I hope your Easter was pleasant, too.

You may take the prize for a short trip, but then I'm putting him in boarding school. There are wrinkles to iron out of his character. And please don't allow him on a bike. Not unless there's a seat belt.

5102. gesinek7 April 2013, 13:46 GMT +02:00

We had very pleasant easter in DK. I hope you had too.
Back again, work again, but thursday we're off to the first race this year. It's really exiting: New motocycle, new experience, don't know who will be there, will our heater warm the car enough so be don't freeze...... It's kind of an adventure :-)

5103. xymonau7 April 2013, 14:21 GMT +02:00

I'm really envious. I'd love to travel across Europe. Glad to hear you had a good Easter. And it sounds like you're really looking forward to the race. It sounds like a lot of fun, Gesine. I hope you both have a great time!

5104. gesinek20 April 2013, 18:26 GMT +02:00

Here are some pics, hope you can see them
And I swear: Prize didn't drove the bike

5105. xymonau21 April 2013, 10:22 GMT +02:00

Wow! You'll have to talk us through the pics. Is your husband featured? Did you have fun? Where did you stay?

And it's time to rein that prize in. He's spoilt rotten, and about to get a whupping from me, just because he probably needs one by now.

5106. gesinek22 April 2013, 12:10 GMT +02:00

My husband is the one on the bike with the no 407.
And yes we we had a lot of fun. Wheater was not very good, only rain on Friday . Sat and Sun it was nicer.
We have a KIA Carnival. Looks like its called Kia Sedona in english.
The bike fits in it, as if the car was build for the bike. All the tools you need to get with you are fitting also.
And when the bike and all the things are offloaded, We put two air mattress in and we have a 'motorhome'.
We make bbq or eat some canned food, like that
You need only hot water to 'cook' it. My husband has one in his hand here:
There is nearly nothing in the surrounding where you can eat only Mac Donalds and a petrol station with a little restaurant. The other restaurants are closed very early, or will open in a month again when more tourists are there.

5107. xymonau22 April 2013, 12:24 GMT +02:00

It's called the Kia Grand Carnival here. They are roomy vehicles, but I'm surprised they will fit a bike.

Your husband is a nice looking man. He looks tall. Is he?

Most of the things we get like your cups of food are just flavoured noodles, but I have noticed more variety with thick sauces, bolognaise, etc. I guess we'll see more variety eventually. Very handy when you're travelling, though.

I'm jealous. I used to go camping and fishing (always put the poor little blighters back in the water, though - I can't kill things) a lot when my son was young. We'd pitch a two man tent and camp all over the place. It was a lot of fun. It's good for the mind to unwind and do something different, isn't it?

5108. gesinek22 April 2013, 13:53 GMT +02:00

Yes he is tall 1,88m, not the figure a rider has normally. Most of them are at max. as tall as me. And I' m 1.73m.

Yes, it is a kind of camping. The people who have big race teams comes with truck with fully featured kitchens and ŝleeping rooms for the riders....

And we are looking forward to the next race weekend in May.

Btw. I read you'll have a new home soon. Gratulations
When we getto the place we live now, we stayed in a contruction area for 4 years, because there was so much to change.

Hope you don't need so much time for renovation. But after that period, you'll see it is yours and it is beauty.

5109. xymonau22 April 2013, 23:49 GMT +02:00

Thank you, Gesine. I don't have any money to do much - in fact I may even be rejected for the mortgage yet - but I think if I just do one small thing at a time, with the occasional larger task, I'll get there. The kitchen and bathroom will have to be done first, and it may not be what I'd like, but it will at least be better than what's there. I'm going to look around first for a second hand kitchen if I get the house.

Your husband is the same height as my son. And I used to be 173cm, but I've shrunk down to 172 now!

5110. gesinek23 April 2013, 11:03 GMT +02:00

We haven't enough money too. Therefore it took such a long time.

5111. xymonau23 April 2013, 16:17 GMT +02:00

I think things are expensive everywhere these days. In this country houses are extremely expensive to buy and rent. Given our population, there is no excuse. Investors buy up and push the prices up with no conscience about those who simply can't afford to live.

5112. gesinek27 April 2013, 17:37 GMT +02:00

It is the same here. The region of Hamburg were we live now is getting really expensive over the last 15 years. Here were plots of land which were very large. Nobody want so large plot today.

A few years ago our goverment in Hamburg decided that the owners are allowed to split their plots. So a lot of people get here and build new houses. Now the price/qm is raising to heights they only pay in the really distinguished areas of our town.

Our senate (the goverment in Hamburg) tries to raise the No. of flats in the town so a new district is build near the harbour called HafenCity (http://www.hafencity.com/en/home.html) is nearly the same as the docklands in London and it's very urban.

Here in the outer districts more and more parts which were pure nature are opened up for building homes for the citizens all the people how comes to this town.

5113. xymonau27 April 2013, 22:53 GMT +02:00

They have done that a lot in Brisbane. It's the capital of Queensland. Before Expo 88, it was still a gangling giant country town. Everyone had a house and a big yard. In fact, Brisbane was once the largest city in the world as far as area, (I think it currently has 900 square kilometres) but Los Angeles overtook it. (It still takes at least two hours on normal streets to get from one side to the other, longer if you count the continuum of population in areas that join, but are technically not in the Brisbane area.) In the 90s they started designating some suburbs as high density. Up went the apartments, and the infrastructure, and the population grew rapidly. What they didn't plan was the roads. Being an established city, there wasn't anywhere to go re more roads, so the traffic problem in Brisbane is unbelievable. They have built a lot of underground roads now, but in all the wrong places. Getting onto the freeway to the city in peak hour during the late 90s and early 2000s was like torture. It's still a nightmare. They have built all these fancy busways. I think they should be opened up to cars. I personally couldn't use public transport in the type of work I did. (E.g. - evict a homeless man for violent behaviour, and then have to walk past him to get to the bus stop.)

I think it's the way of the world, but I hate the pressure of the population in cities, and they are all getting so only those with white collar jobs can afford to live there. Then investors turn to the smaller towns, buy up the cheap housing, and the prices skyrocket.

Something else at work in Queensland is the influx of southerners. Our state is sunny and beautiful, with the Great Barrier Reef and some amazing beaches and wildlife. People from the other states often want to retire here, so they buy houses. Because they are used to paying more, they pay top prices up here, and again, the prices creep up.

They may be opening a mine close to my town. If they do, house prices and rents will double rapidly. That has happened in so many places.

If I had the money to choose, I'd live in the country, and just pop in to the nearest town for necessities.

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