twined leaves frame

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twined leaves frame: this is one of my digital ink drawings

I hope you find it useful and would be very interested to see how it was used
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this is one of my digital ink drawings I hope you find it useful and would be very interested to see how it was used --Christa
twined leaves frame: this is one of my digital ink drawings

I hope you find it useful and would be very interested to see how it was used

June 13, 2011 xymonau

So beautifully done!

June 12, 2011 fangol

Fantastic frame. Great work :)

Ayla87 profile gallery
Image properties
Dimensions: 1754px * 1240px
Published: June - 12 - 2011
Date: --
Exposure: --
Focal length:
ISO: --
Permalink n1CfG1Cx
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twined leaves frame: this is one of my digital ink drawings

I hope you find it useful and would be very interested to see how it was used
--Christa twined leaves frame: this is one of my digital ink drawings

I hope you find it useful and would be very interested to see how it was used
--Christa twined leaves frame: this is one of my digital ink drawings

I hope you find it useful and would be very interested to see how it was used
--Christa twined leaves frame: this is one of my digital ink drawings I hope you find it useful and would be very interested to see how it was used --Christa 300px // 600px // 100px