Well, it had to be done, didn't it? And since this is both the first and last post, I have won. Thank you all.
Although you have very little in the way of feelings, I don't want to hurt the remaining fragments - shards, really.
Shards?? I could feel quite broken up about that.
But fortunately I just bounce back! As the winner, naturally.
Swooping in like a shock of crows, I steal the prize from the scattered shards of the broken dreams of glory.
Leaping in like a mad woman, I stab everyone in sight, automatically making me raven mad. Er...I feel I have marginally missed the point.
Creeping in behind a clowder of cats, I take the prize from the mad women. This feat was nothing to shake a stick at.
Your feets is way too big. I stamps on 'em, an' I writes an address an' posts you. (Gettin you through that mailbox slot was a tad hard. Sorry I had to cut bits off.) But you won't need those bits in Siberia.
You are crazy all together and I am the winner tralali, tralala.
OOOOH! Was that you singing? Because if it was, it was horrid! No-one who sings like that deserves to win.
No I shouldn't. No, really. No, not at all. Nope. Please, no! I'll let you have second prize if you promise not to sing.
Oh, you're really scared, but don't be afraid - I get the prize without singing :)
Charging in like a chorus of Pavarottis - and with precautionary cotton wool in my ears against the opposition - I take the prize!
The cotton wool would have best served you placed strategically upon your person. Take that! (she says, jabbing at him with infamous pointy stick)
For Shame!
A Big Woman against such a tiny flutter!
Police arrest that cruel creature
and nurse take care of the moth
I'm of with the Prize
PSST! Grunn! (whispers) He's not really a moth, you know. Just thought I should clear that up. (stops whispering)
Who's not a moth?? I'd like you to know, I can wing it with the best of them! Including flying off with the prize.
I know what men like you DO to moths. Pins and poison, isn't it? Not bad - quite like pointy sticks and soup, really. No, you'll not be flying anywhere with the plastic cup and the munny, my good man. It is locked in this here safe, which is locked in this here safe, which is guarded by some very belligerent mammals.
We haven't seen a quiver of cobras or a kettle of hawks.