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new logo?

1. fishmonk19 April 2010, 22:57 GMT +02:00

What's this flower? Did I miss something?

50. krayker23 April 2010, 5:19 GMT +02:00

Happy Earth Day RGB denizens!

@Dez, yeah we need link logos, something like a badge we can be proud to wear, and link back to RGB in our blogs.

Like Cris had mentioned, it'd be better to have a logotype and we could play around like how google does, according to seasons and occasions. it'd make for a great theme on each occasion.

51. Ayla8724 April 2010, 10:03 GMT +02:00

I must say the new logo looks very good as a favicon. Much more delicate than the previous version.


52. xymonau28 April 2010, 2:30 GMT +02:00

I will try to have the new competition organised soon. Real life has taken over this week, and it's hard to find a slot of time to do it.

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