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4 Letter Words

1. krayker16 July 2010, 13:45 GMT +02:00

You can only change ONE letter, AND/OR rearrange the letters currently available. The first word is:


11738. Ayla8718 December 2015, 6:36 GMT +01:00

It really gnaws holes into our clothes, so that we have to go nude (or buy new ones).

Perhaps Christa and I should sing a


to entertain and distract the washing machine from making holes.

11739. xymonau18 December 2015, 12:54 GMT +01:00


washing machines love nothing more than a good harmony, but in your case, the neighbours may be more grateful if you simply replaced it

I've had some complaints about the nude singing.

11740. Ayla8721 December 2015, 6:30 GMT +01:00

sorry for the late answer, I'm now croaky from singing so long.

I hope the outcome wasn't too


In fact I had to bother with a new migraine attack, but I think this is now over. Better now, than during the festive days ahead.

11741. xymonau21 December 2015, 14:39 GMT +01:00

Poor thing. But I guess that will teach you to keep your clothes on.

it seems a lot of people are having a health


at this time

Must be the weather, or something. :o) I hope yours stays away for the big day.

11742. Ayla8721 December 2015, 15:56 GMT +01:00

For many people Xmas has a lot to do with a big


Buying so many gifts is stressful, not good for your health.
We do our best to keep it relaxing.

11743. xymonau21 December 2015, 17:33 GMT +01:00

I'm safe on that front. I sent the grandkids theirs and just my son. I don't do gifts for anyone else. It gets ridiculous. I stopped it years ago and asked my family not to buy me anything. Life is much simpler that way. If I want to give them something at any time of the year I can. Nevertheless, it has crept up on me as usual, and I have no time to do the things I need to. Medical appointments tomorrow, then hospital Thursday, and even though shops are open on xmas day, I won't be well enough to drive for a few days, so I have to have enough food. Fortunately, they predict a slightly cooler day for xmas - 29C. It will be hot, but not as hot as it has been. I'd love some of your cooler weather right now.

oh, to be resting by the side of a cool


in the shade, with a good book and silence

11744. Ayla8722 December 2015, 7:28 GMT +01:00

To make life simpler and


things easy is always a good idea. I think you are doing quite well on that front. Now I hope that everything will be fine with your visit to the hospital. Today in the morning was the change of the meteorological seasons (here the meteorological beginning of winter). Now our days will get a little bit longer every day and yours shorter, so your hot temperatures may slowly decrease.

11745. xymonau22 December 2015, 14:07 GMT +01:00

I hate the heat, but I love the light. I can't see very well driving at night, so I avoid it. When the sun goes down at 5pm it's a pain. At the moment, last sight is just after 7pm. 8pm in the daylight saving states. Saw my dr today and I forgot to get my blood test. Will have to do that tomorrow. I'm always anxious, but I will not shed a


over it - at least when nobody's looking! LOL

Regarding the heat, our summer is December to Feb and it generally doesn't begin to cool until well into March. I look forward so much to autumn. I should never complain. The climate here is very stable and usually tolerable.

11746. Ayla8723 December 2015, 8:47 GMT +01:00

Oh, tomorrow you will still have enough blood for all the vampires who want to test it. I think that won't run away.

Maybe, since this is my last day at work before Xmas it is now a good time to wish a very merry christmas to all my four letter friends here. It is so great to spin some tales and have a wonderful excange here.

When the wheather is cloudless it would be a good opportunity now to look out for that star of betlehem, also known as the christmas


Maybe we will see it shining above us while we dream of a peaceful christmas and hopefully won't have to worry with too much stress.

Tomorrow it is time for our self-made christmas pizza, our little family tradition, and we are looking forward to it (Mimi will still prefer some mice, but she will only get to play with her valerian filled toy mouse, which still excites her).

11747. xymonau23 December 2015, 11:39 GMT +01:00

Yes, I wish you, Michael, and all the people who post on here the very merriest of Christmasses. I hope your pizza is absolutely delicious! Never mind Mimi. Every day is Christmas for her, because she is loved. I hope you have a fabulous, pain-free holiday from work, and peace of heart and mind.

keep your


on alert for the sleigh bells on Christmas eve! Pretend to be asleep or Santa might not stop.

11748. gesinek23 December 2015, 11:57 GMT +01:00

I want to wish also a very merry xmas to you.

I heard people saying Santa will come on a surfboard this


Actually we have 14° C and 7bft. I think it is the first time we celebrate xmas in t-shirts here.

11749. Ayla8723 December 2015, 14:12 GMT +01:00

Because it is warmer than usual here we have to shed a


or two because there is no chance at all for a "white christmas" with some snow. But I'm sure we will all do our best to make it a very merry christmas.

11750. xymonau23 December 2015, 14:44 GMT +01:00

Much less chance for a white xmas HERE! LOL You can pretend you're Australian and go to the beach for the day , drink cold beer, have a barbecue and cold salads and play beach cricket. Don't forget the zinc for your nose.

at this


the weather will make Aussies out of you yet!

11751. Ayla8724 December 2015, 9:07 GMT +01:00

So now it is time for an Xmas


Greetings from us Aussies to-be

11752. xymonau24 December 2015, 18:42 GMT +01:00

Well, I'm certainly raving!

have the best Christmas


(Yes, I survived! Not too much pain, and was allowed home because of that. Happy!)

11753. Ayla8725 December 2015, 7:53 GMT +01:00



good to hear. Xmas nights at home are much better than in a hospital.

And our pizza way really tasty once again. Here, we did reserve a piece for you. \______\

If the piece wasn't large enough you can download more ;-)

11754. xymonau25 December 2015, 15:50 GMT +01:00

I saw it. Looks delicious! Cruel to taunt me with images from thousands of kilometres away! The pain kicked in today, unfortunately. That'll teach me to boast about how great I'm feeling! LOL I am scared to cough because everything hurts when I do. Naturally, I had a tickle in my throat all afternoon - from the tube down my neck - and it has been just awful. I can hold some of the bits that hurt, but not all, so I'm making this vague - but still painful - gentle cough. I hope it eases up soon. Then I discovered I'm in more pain lying down and can't move at all to get up. Still, it can only get better. :o)



is almost over, and we will soon have a new page to start all over

11755. Ayla8726 December 2015, 7:57 GMT +01:00

Yes, the pizza was delicious. To give you some more details - we add several teaspoons of creamed horseradish to the ketchup to spice it up. Then everything is covered with pizza condiment and a good layer of grated cheese and put into the oven. When you pull the finished pizza out of the oven you will realise that you have eaten it up in an instant before you were able to take some more delicious photos.

I'm sorry to hear that pain came through finally, but I hope you will feel much better soon.

The new year will sneak in next week. It won't be stopped from doing that by all the loud fireworks. We will not take part in making fireworks, but we will watch the spectacle from our large terrace window.

I'm sure we will get to


many more four-lettered words in the year to come.

11756. xymonau27 December 2015, 13:31 GMT +01:00

I wouldn't


to eat that much horseradish, I fear, but the rest of the pizza looks pretty darn yum

I quite like them without cheese these days. I did make a sort of flavoured white sauce base a few times, and it tasted good, but the last one was not so nice. Haven't had pizza for a while, so I must either make or buy one soon.

11757. Ayla8728 December 2015, 6:51 GMT +01:00

When you make pizza without our loads of cheese this is certainly a good way to


for a low-calorie result.

Christa and I like to eat hot spiced food, so we have no problems with a little bit more of that horseradish.

11758. xymonau28 December 2015, 19:13 GMT +01:00

I would still


you to the oven for the first slice, it looked so nice

11759. Ayla8729 December 2015, 8:44 GMT +01:00

Luckily this is no


event. If I'm informed correctly there will be another Xmas next year.

11760. xymonau29 December 2015, 10:15 GMT +01:00

in your



11761. Ayla8729 December 2015, 10:52 GMT +01:00

Yes, I hear it is a


mess for Santa to be everywhere at the same time.

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