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Like nature UK, you'll love this!

1. happyture8 November 2011, 10:08 GMT +01:00


530. happyture8 April 2012, 21:20 GMT +02:00

Earth was bought into being to last forever, those that are trying to destroy it will not survive the wrath of God :O)

531. xymonau9 April 2012, 3:27 GMT +02:00

The bible says He's going to remake it. He'll have to. What a mess it's in right now.


532. happyture9 April 2012, 8:56 GMT +02:00

I agree, this is terrible, yet we have taken part in this at one time or another, I now try to recycle as much as possibly as i think we all should :O) Im going to copy the link hope you dont mind ..

533. xymonau9 April 2012, 9:37 GMT +02:00

I will send you my link fee.

You're right. We all do things to make it worse. But while we need to take personal responsibility, I'm afraid I have no optimism about any major change. If there isn't a dollar in it, no-one will fix it.

534. happyture9 April 2012, 12:43 GMT +02:00

Your right, needs money to do any good..

535. xymonau9 April 2012, 15:28 GMT +02:00

There is money, of course, but the rich are busy spending it on trinkets and paintings and other vain things.

536. happyture9 April 2012, 15:58 GMT +02:00

Though yoo was gunna say cameras for a monunt..

537. xymonau9 April 2012, 16:08 GMT +02:00

Oh, and THEM, too!!!!!!!!!

538. happyture10 April 2012, 8:18 GMT +02:00

See,,,,you juss took the excitemunt right off me new camera :O(

539. xymonau10 April 2012, 11:05 GMT +02:00

Had you loaned it to a poor Antipodean - ahem! - then you could be praised for your generosity. But oh, no! Not you! YOU made shellfish excuses on why you coodent get it to me, so you are now one of the condemned elite. See this picture of you? Watch me sneer at it...

540. happyture10 April 2012, 11:41 GMT +02:00

AGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH,,,that is so,,Aghhhhh i just cant believe you said that,,,let me just check,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,OMG you said it...can't believe you said that!!

541. xymonau10 April 2012, 13:14 GMT +02:00

My hands are shaking. I just had to edit the above post. I can't believe I called myself a (oh the shame!) Pomgolian!!

Are you still watchin? See how fiercely I am sneerin'? SEE?!

542. happyture11 April 2012, 8:39 GMT +02:00

Ha ha ha ha ha ha,,,,ah that was funny, i did notice it but thought you was converting to the Pomgolian way of life and thinking, but sadly it was a glitch, A tiny piece of your grey mush fired in the correct order for a split second and you became,,,dare i say it,,,Normal,,but alas it wasn't to be and the oggy bit of grey Antipodean mush on the oppersite side of your grey mush fired and,,,Well above post result,,,,so sad dezzie, you was normal for a briefing second,,did you FEEL REAL GOOD,,didya Ay!!!!Ay......

543. xymonau11 April 2012, 9:23 GMT +02:00

I felt quite normal, but very cold and soggy, and only half as smart...

544. happyture11 April 2012, 9:32 GMT +02:00

Ah right,,that was the withdraw symptoms from the Antipodean side of ya grey mush,,a few more hours and hey presto,,,you'd have been normal, like every other clean living Pomgolian, but yoo's made your choice, now you has to live with it and become an everyday Sheila :O(

545. xymonau11 April 2012, 10:56 GMT +02:00

Now, Mikey, this might come as a shock to you, so I want you to sit dow, Are you sittin'? Right. Ahem.

Pomgolians is not normal. No, don't gasp!I tole you it might be a shock. They is not at all normal. In any way. At all.

You see, Mikey, during they's evolushun (an I don't believe in it meselluf, butchoo seem to), they reached the goalposts of perfeckshun. No, I'm not juss sayin' it! They dash well did! But some clown in the House of Lords voted to keep goin', and - well - juss look inna mirror. Makes me cry, it does. Wen you reaches the toppa a hill, you starts down the other side. I coulda tole 'em that, but did they arst me? oh, no, independent little British folk don't do that!

Well, you've only yorsellfs to blame.

The only normal folks is Oz sheilas.

546. happyture11 April 2012, 13:08 GMT +02:00

When i reads it in a scientific script it does sound quite a reasonable hexplanation, but has you very well nows Dezzie, us British folk are credited for 99.9% of all inventions yes, i heard you gasp from here, but its true, we are hindeed the most hintellygent upright walking munky on the planit , I really haven't looked to sea where Oztralia is on the all time hintellygents list,,but i do believe its hovering around 90 something out of the top 100...

547. xymonau11 April 2012, 13:22 GMT +02:00

An that's why it pays to look, innit? We is quite bright, actually. We hinvented so many things I can't even begin to tell you. Sadly, the haymurrikans think they hinvented them all.

So - wothchoo invented this week, brainiac?

548. happyture12 April 2012, 10:15 GMT +02:00

Myself and willy Wonka have indeed now perfected the everlasting gob stopper and will be in shops soon,,,what about you,,invented anything lately other than stories about innocent people with pointy heads???

549. xymonau12 April 2012, 11:53 GMT +02:00

I should think that would be quite enough! At least MY invention is REAL!


550. happyture12 April 2012, 12:49 GMT +02:00

Phfffffff,,,you made that site up yourself,,no way no how....

551. xymonau12 April 2012, 13:33 GMT +02:00

Yor right. I found a Haymerrycan site an' called it Oz. they invented everything. Even Pomgolians. But they don't come wiff batterees.

552. happyture12 April 2012, 18:37 GMT +02:00

What gave it haway was the start of it,,,Once Upon a time there woz an Oztralian man named Bruce who woz very clever,,, ??

553. xymonau14 April 2012, 11:07 GMT +02:00

Yeah. Well, Bruce is a legend, i'nnee? You woodent unnerstan'! You comes from a race wot eats sumping called, "Hobnobs". Well, I mean to say, 'ow could YOU unnerstan'?

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