Blue Moon

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Blue Moon: I took this shot last fall, the exposure was long so even the slow moving clouds looked active, the moon stayed in the right spot though. :-)
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I took this shot last fall, the exposure was long so even the slow moving clouds looked active, the moon stayed in the right spot though. :-)
Blue Moon: I took this shot last fall, the exposure was long so even the slow moving clouds looked active, the moon stayed in the right spot though. :-)

February 19, 2016 pepper55

This is very nice. Used in

November 7, 2012 slothchild

Amazing, thanks for uploading!

September 20, 2011 mfermin


November 17, 2010 mresnik

beautiful shot!

brainloc profile gallery
Image properties
Dimensions: 1900px * 1024px
Published: January - 23 - 2010
Date: --
Exposure: --
Focal length:
ISO: --
Permalink mfXlCDkx
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Blue Moon: I took this shot last fall, the exposure was long so even the slow moving clouds looked active, the moon stayed in the right spot though. :-) Blue Moon: I took this shot last fall, the exposure was long so even the slow moving clouds looked active, the moon stayed in the right spot though. :-) Blue Moon: I took this shot last fall, the exposure was long so even the slow moving clouds looked active, the moon stayed in the right spot though. :-) Blue Moon: I took this shot last fall, the exposure was long so even the slow moving clouds looked active, the moon stayed in the right spot though. :-) 300px // 600px // 100px