Treasure Chest (Real)

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Treasure Chest (Real): This is the real deal, an actual treasure chest hauled out of the sand in the Florida Keys, the locks are not period, but the rest is late 17thC or early 18thC (the pirate era)
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This is the real deal, an actual treasure chest hauled out of the sand in the Florida Keys, the locks are not period, but the rest is late 17thC or early 18thC (the pirate era)
Treasure Chest (Real): This is the real deal, an actual treasure chest hauled out of the sand in the Florida Keys, the locks are not period, but the rest is late 17thC or early 18thC (the pirate era)

February 3, 2018 BigJR

Thanks for the photo, I used it to illustrate my blog post at:

September 8, 2013 Sarah_K_Reece

Thanks for the great photo, I used it to illustrate this blog post:

February 25, 2013 redneckyokel

Thank you, this is great.

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Dimensions: 1025px * 942px
Published: January - 24 - 2013
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Treasure Chest (Real): This is the real deal, an actual treasure chest hauled out of the sand in the Florida Keys, the locks are not period, but the rest is late 17thC or early 18thC (the pirate era) Treasure Chest (Real): This is the real deal, an actual treasure chest hauled out of the sand in the Florida Keys, the locks are not period, but the rest is late 17thC or early 18thC (the pirate era) Treasure Chest (Real): This is the real deal, an actual treasure chest hauled out of the sand in the Florida Keys, the locks are not period, but the rest is late 17thC or early 18thC (the pirate era) Treasure Chest (Real): This is the real deal, an actual treasure chest hauled out of the sand in the Florida Keys, the locks are not period, but the rest is late 17thC or early 18thC (the pirate era) 300px // 600px // 100px