the cat

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the cat: This is my cat. Extremely flawed, accustomed to three meals daily. Sleep on the couch, on my bed or on my clothes. Sharpened nails on furniture and carpet......I could not be  without he.
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This is my cat. Extremely flawed, accustomed to three meals daily. Sleep on the couch, on my bed or on my clothes. Sharpened nails on furniture and carpet......I could not be without he.
the cat: This is my cat. Extremely flawed, accustomed to three meals daily. Sleep on the couch, on my bed or on my clothes. Sharpened nails on furniture and carpet......I could not be  without he.
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Image properties
Dimensions: 1856px * 1392px
Published: June - 13 - 2013
Camera: Canon PowerShot Pro90 IS
Date: 2007:11:06 01:30:53
Exposure: 1/4s
Focal length: 70mm
ISO: --
Permalink o8E0MDMx
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the cat: This is my cat. Extremely flawed, accustomed to three meals daily. Sleep on the couch, on my bed or on my clothes. Sharpened nails on furniture and carpet......I could not be  without he. the cat: This is my cat. Extremely flawed, accustomed to three meals daily. Sleep on the couch, on my bed or on my clothes. Sharpened nails on furniture and carpet......I could not be  without he. the cat: This is my cat. Extremely flawed, accustomed to three meals daily. Sleep on the couch, on my bed or on my clothes. Sharpened nails on furniture and carpet......I could not be  without he. the cat: This is my cat. Extremely flawed, accustomed to three meals daily. Sleep on the couch, on my bed or on my clothes. Sharpened nails on furniture and carpet......I could not be without he. 300px // 600px // 100px