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forum > General chat > Welcome


1. jazza11 January 2010, 21:23 GMT +00:00

welcome to the rgbstock.com forum

2. snorlax11 January 2010, 21:27 GMT +00:00

Hello. just testing. one two three.

3. tinneketin11 January 2010, 21:35 GMT +00:00

Great to have the forum here ! ;o)

4. marmit11 January 2010, 22:06 GMT +00:00

Great site! I have really been lost since you all left SXC. This feels like the beginning of a new home. Thanks crisderaud for pointing me in this direction.

5. costiq11 January 2010, 22:22 GMT +00:00

Same here.
Great to see so many familiar names.
Indeed it feels like coming home!

6. krayker12 January 2010, 6:53 GMT +00:00

great to see the forum up and running, thanks for all the hard work Jay.

7. crisderaud12 January 2010, 11:56 GMT +00:00

Hey, did not see you up there Jay until I had written the post below. This is like old times with a different interface.

8. iikozen12 January 2010, 12:27 GMT +00:00

"hanging hat, pulling a chair"

Hi everyone!
Glad to be HOME...

9. iammi-z12 January 2010, 12:37 GMT +00:00

Hello to everybody, and thank you all, how works and makes it possible, this brandnew site. Thank you for this great work.
It makes me very happy to see so many people and faces I knew from SXC.
I wish you all the best, with this great new site

10. Zela12 January 2010, 13:25 GMT +00:00

Just wanted to say hello all and welcome at RGBStock. If I'm not too much posting in the forum it means that I'm busy reviewing all those great uploads!

If you have any questions about your files please feel free to contact me.

Have fun!

Marja (Zela)

11. saavem12 January 2010, 16:25 GMT +00:00

Great job Marja!

12. woodsy12 January 2010, 20:25 GMT +00:00

Sooo good to be here - well done Jay and the Team fantastic work.

Like Marja and Lynne I'll be reviewing your uploads as often and as quickly as possible. Keep up the quality and it should all be relatively smooth sailing :)


13. xymonau12 January 2010, 22:48 GMT +00:00

Oh, this is fabulous! It's so good to see everyone here! This will make the place like home now, and give us all a chance to talk. And we will see an influx of new faces soon, too. We need to party!

14. 2heads_Advertising14 January 2010, 11:48 GMT +00:00

Hi all. See loads of SXC members here too (I'm cx_ed on SXC). Great site this... I've been inactive for a while but promise to upload the backlog of new pics soon..


15. macieklew14 January 2010, 15:17 GMT +00:00

Hi. :)

Thanks for the invite. I've just uploaded all my photos from sxc and now waiting for the approval.

Is this site really made by the community?

16. dragonariaes14 January 2010, 17:05 GMT +00:00

YAY! This is much better. *Sigh of relief* Google groups sucks for communication. Nothing like a good forum.

17. crisderaud14 January 2010, 17:14 GMT +00:00

@15 and to all.

Yes this site is a community based organization.

Nearly all the credit for it's creation goes to Jazza who with his partner, Lennie,
custom wrote this site without the use of a template based format.

The site is optimized to give the image providers a pleasant atmosphere to post your galleries. Friendly communication with the site service providers and other members is a priority here.

Image reviews and approvals will be done by Zela, Woodsy and Weirdvis. You may recognize them as the volunteer admin that ran sxc before that day in July when suddenly they were replaced by crew from Getty based in Canada.

The people who have organized this site have the knowledge that made sxc the success that it was. The former owner of sxc, Peter Hamza, is not affiliated with the creation of this site, but he is not beyond contact with us and sees what Jazza and the others have created.

The server is based in the Netherlands. Jay (Jazza) and Lennie have control over it and are the web masters for the site. The time and date stamps reflect their time and date (GMT) .

The reviewers are in Europe and I am in California.

Keep in mind that this site is open, but still under construction. Some things need to be completed. Other things need to be repaired or redone. Much of the unfinished work is behind the scenes and under the hood so you may not experience what they are working on or know the amount of work that needs to be done.

Jay and Lennie work during the day making websites at their job then have volunteered their off time to bring this website to us. They are working all the time and have been for the last few months. They will fix the issues on the site and add elements to it as their time permits and in the order of importance.

It's really good to see the response to the invitations I sent in the comments on sxc. Our goal is to provide the top-notch free stock photo site on the internet. When I look at the galleries I see some of the best stock available on the internet assembled in one place. The reviewers will maintain this level of quality so that when people search for usable free stock photos of high resolution, they will find us at RGBStock.

18. macieklew14 January 2010, 22:27 GMT +00:00

Great job! Congratulations for all of you!!!

And very nice to see some of my old friends :)

Is Hillary around? Simona?

19. krayker15 January 2010, 2:23 GMT +00:00

@chris thanks for the long clarification. much needed for those who missed the initial action of creating this site, and its purpose.

20. fangol15 January 2010, 9:00 GMT +00:00


I've just created my own profile :)
From time to time I throw something here ;)

Good day for all :)

21. crisderaud16 January 2010, 16:27 GMT +00:00

@20 Good to see you here. I was really hoping you would decide to join.

22. lennie17 January 2010, 12:32 GMT +00:00

@20 Just a small hint, but their is a sxc-import-tool. It takes time to run, but atleast it saves you a lot of time uploading and adding descriptions youself.

23. charcoal17 January 2010, 21:38 GMT +00:00

Howdy all! Congrats Jazza and the team on an awesome job - absolutely fantastic to see everyone here. And top notch stock as well :)

24. jazza18 January 2010, 11:24 GMT +00:00

@23 good to see you back Michael!

25. Abyla18 January 2010, 14:24 GMT +01:00

Hello friends! It's a fantastic job. Congratulations to Jay and the rest of persons who made this site a reality. Thank you very much.

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