In the user gallery (example : ) we have added two little links: It is possible to order the user gallery by date OR by numbers of download. The links are visible in the gray header of the page.
Nice addition
This is great, thanks ! ;o)
Good job! Like to see the most downloaded at first :)
Fantastic, thanks!
Great to see them in order of download. (some still zero :)
Oh, that is so helpful. Thank you, Jay and Lennie! Now if you can just get those pages numbered so we can jump to a particular page, I will die happy.
Cris - most of mine are zero! LOL And the ones that were at the top of my list on sxc haven't even had a look-in.
A welcome addition, Jay. I really missed that particular feature. :D
That's great! Thanks Jay
welcome addition!
@8 Dez
Don't worry about that, I have complete pages with zero, it's only our third month of life.
Amazing addiction!