Well, it had to be done, didn't it? And since this is both the first and last post, I have won. Thank you all.
Take yer medicine like a man Moffs! How can you turn down such honest affection from an harnless home loving Oz girl ?
By the way Moffs, let me know when you're down this way again and you can drop in for lunch......no soup, honest :0)
Not fair! I am never invited. Wot if I am passing by? "Lock the winders! She's out there! Don't let her know we're home!"
@3244 Thanks Phil! I'm partial to soup that doesn't dissolve the spoon. :)
Hmm Dez, it seems we have a disadvantage. We're not living in UK. But if you come along to Hamburg please feel invited for lunch or coffee... Then we can talk about moth and men at rgbstock and care about Prizey.
Dez, you don't need an invite. You know you're regarded as family. Now I'm just taking prize off for tea, it's going home time !!!
I'm worried that Phil is taking the Prize FOR tea instead of to tea. Is cannibalism springing up among the natives in deepest Somerset??? I think we should be told. (Preferably from a safe distance.)
I don't think eating munny counts a cannibalism. It does, however, count as utter foolishness, and invites a response from the real winner. Me. Now, what shall I do to him? ..........
Gesine, thank you so much. I would be very glad to visit with you. I could teach you Australian swear words over coffee, so you could shock the Pomgolians.
Phil, you are a kind man. I'll just pack my bag and I'll be round in a flash. Clear out the spare room. FAMILY is comin' to stay! Is that punishment enough for eatin' my prize?
Dez, it was only chocolate money. Have pity on poor Phil! He's not used to undiluted Oz, especially not in quantity. Lol!
I'll just have to sweep out the old mud hut Moff's, you know how fussy these colonials are; they like the dust evenly spread around the place. I daren't let them in the house, the site of modern plumbing and electricity might scare 'em.
On a serious note: If any of you guys are around this way ,let me know, you'll be welcome.
Ah, looks are so deceptive!
I'm off to Denmark for a few days to take lots of nice photos - I hope. I'll be back to reclaim the Prize later. Knowing what *certain individuals* are prone to doing, I've relieved him of his credit card before I go.
Phil, are you gonna let him do that to you? Go and let down his tyres while he's away.
Thank you so much for the invite, Phil. I would reciprocate, but I have no room. However, I am thinking of moving, and if i have a place where I can fit anyone, you're on! (Even my poor son has to sleep on the couch when he's here!)
Kevin, I am bitterly jealous. But just remember, the Antipodean princess will be keeping an eye on you for me, so don't get up to anything you wouldn't want published.
Modern plumbing and elec what?
Gor... I thought you'd all abandond ship and the prize was safe. Enjoy your trip Moffs, looking forward to the photo's. I have to wait until the end of Oct then we are off to Cuba, should get some nice shots from out there. C'mon prize, one less to worry about :0)
Who are you talking to? The prize is here with me. Hiding. He doesn't mind sleeping on the couch, because he's very little.
How dare you all go tripping off to fascinating places? I am consumed with jealousy.
Kevin, I'm jealous too, even I have been in Denmark twice this year. Hope weather will get better for good pictures.
Phil, Cuba... wow!!!
Actually, Gesine, you do look a little pale. I think a holiday would do you the world of good.
Whoops, that's mid nov for cuba, you'll have to wait a little longer prize.
The carrabean is relativly cheap from the UK. If you go all inclusive it can be cheaper than going to Spain on a B&B. Take a short notice week in the Dominican Rep' can cost you as little as £600, That's cheaper than a week in a hotel in the UK in some areas. Me an' the prize are going to look through the brochures.