Well, it had to be done, didn't it? And since this is both the first and last post, I have won. Thank you all.
Your selfless intentions and unending predisposition to help others worked to secure my spot.
@1011 Hear, hear! (Though perhaps you should see the doctor about your spot.) :-)
I see we've frightened off Dez with these puns. Let's keep up the good work. Lol!
we might all come across as Dezpotic :P
trying hard to rule this thread.
When she gets Dezperate, she will return.
I think she is lurking.
I am busy with a new job, new town, new home, the neighbours from hell, and a virus. I can't find anything as others packed much of my stuff, I need a haircut and have no time to find a hairdresser, I have unsympathetic employees - all men - whose workplace is about to change dramatically because of me, my car is leaking oil and I have no money to fix it, my animals are miserable. I am nevertheless generally happy, but just very tired. If you really cared, you would declare me the winner and send me cash.
However, I don't need your help to win as, in spite of your outrageous puns and abuse of my name, I still win. *blows raspberry*
I'm all for declaring you the runner-up and keeping the cash! :)
I can empathize with your immediate situation. The raspberry never made it here. The pop-up blocker stopped it.
btw: We weren't abusing your name. We were simply 'using' it.
As a thief "uses" the money he has stolen?
Those dastardly pop-up blockers! Will I never learn? *sharpens pointy stick* The old ways are the best ways...
"Sticking" to the old ways, eh? Ah well, I's still the winner!
I don't like your attitude/s. Be off with you. This is the winner's circle and I am the only one welcome.
Methinks the winner's circle has just gone pear-shaped... :)