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Last One To Post on RGBstock Wins

1. xymonau12 January 2010, 22:53 GMT +00:00

Well, it had to be done, didn't it? And since this is both the first and last post, I have won. Thank you all.

1154. weirdvis6 August 2010, 23:04 GMT +02:00


1155. xymonau7 August 2010, 9:47 GMT +02:00

The last photos of one of my soup-eaters was refused here. They said they were too grizzly.

1156. GerbenVanErkelens7 August 2010, 13:08 GMT +02:00

gehgeh, maybe dead people weren't allowed :P

1157. crisderaud7 August 2010, 17:06 GMT +02:00

Pictures of her soup shouldn't be allowed!!

1158. krayker7 August 2010, 17:56 GMT +02:00

too graphic for public 'consumption' ?

1159. xymonau8 August 2010, 0:58 GMT +02:00

Oh, stand up and take a bow, Kray! Pun of the week! Come here and I'll give you the punch of the week.

1160. krayker8 August 2010, 6:29 GMT +02:00

thanks, I'd gladly beat you to the punch ;)

1161. micromoth8 August 2010, 7:14 GMT +02:00

Hmm... that's quite a punchline!

1162. xymonau8 August 2010, 10:45 GMT +02:00

One of the unspoken rules of humour - don't labour it. *sigh* We winners must know a lot more than losers.

1163. micromoth8 August 2010, 12:08 GMT +02:00

In my neck of the woods we just don't talk about the unspoken rules of humour.

1164. krayker8 August 2010, 13:00 GMT +02:00

pulling punches vs sucker punch

while you guys decide, I'll take the lead.

1165. xymonau8 August 2010, 14:12 GMT +02:00

@1163 That's because you don't got vocabulary.

@1164 Why get off the horse while it's still in motion, albeit dying, eh? *sigh*
You give that lead back. My dog just ran off because you had his lead. The nerve!

1166. micromoth8 August 2010, 15:36 GMT +02:00

Just come out of the woods whilst nobody was looking. In the lead again! And where's this pesky dog come from?

1167. crisderaud8 August 2010, 17:40 GMT +02:00

She drives a team of Pomeranian sled dogs during their winter months.

btw: There is the Pomgolia store where you can get your hats, mugs and T-shirts.

1168. xymonau9 August 2010, 0:01 GMT +02:00

Just ordered a card for an ex-Brit I know. He will be delighted. Thanks for the link, Cris.

Bullock drays are what we drive all times of the year. It's really hard to get the sleds through the sand on the beach.

I did own a Pomeranian once - gorgeous little dog.

1169. crisderaud9 August 2010, 4:29 GMT +02:00

May I ask what you feed your bullocks? Ours refuses to eat his dry food.

We prefer the classic two wheeled coupe. http://screencast.com/t/MjU1YmUyN

1170. xymonau9 August 2010, 8:39 GMT +02:00

Free me from this inanity! The crowds agree. Let me go on to win. NOW!!


I said, "dray".

1171. micromoth9 August 2010, 11:36 GMT +02:00

I wholeheartedly support the Free Dez campaign. One wouldn't want to have to pay...


1172. xymonau9 August 2010, 12:26 GMT +02:00

And yet you are willing to pay for that remark...

1173. micromoth9 August 2010, 13:53 GMT +02:00

Er, no. Quite unwilling actually... Lol!

1174. crisderaud9 August 2010, 15:01 GMT +02:00

But that is a dray and you are quite free to use it.

@1170 Yeah, that looks like an ad to me too!

1175. micromoth9 August 2010, 21:12 GMT +02:00

@1174 Every day? Mondray, Tuesdray, Wednesdray...?

1176. crisderaud9 August 2010, 22:34 GMT +02:00

Every dray of the week!

1177. xymonau10 August 2010, 11:44 GMT +02:00


The loneliness of the long-distance winner...

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