Well, I can't see Alessandro's gallery. No pictures inside... Why? :P
Are you sure?
Whaaa! Of kurz!
And another thing - someone sent me an e-mail which states "I am using this picture on my webstie". The problem is I do not know which picture he is using.
"Send message" option should already contain the name of the picture it is related to.
On SXC you have:
"Dear mzacha,
I'm writing about image #1338875.
Yes, that is kind of silly.
I've added some code for this.
To help you, I think you got the message from this one:
Last post in this thread: mine.
Here it says it's Xymonau's...
@53 michal: That is strange. There must be something wrong. I will look into it.
Tadam! Spotted a minor typo:
"Please select one or more files to upuload" ;-)
what is wrong with that? I upuload every day ;)
(we will fix it, thanks Michal)
I came across the strange behavior: when i looked at comments i gave, there are 3 of them for the same picture: http://www.rgbstock.com/photo/mf6xQmO
In the list of comments i click "delete this comment" and it disappears form the comment list - until the list is refreshed. It seems that comments are not deleted clicking on that link.
#57: Tomislav you found a bug. Thank you for reporting it.
We fixed it.
BTW. why the number of pictures here:
And in the gallery is not the same?
That is a bug. We will look into it soon. Thank you.
Yes, Michal, I noticed that one, too.
#59: the problem is fixed for now but it needs more work unfortunately.
I have other problem. Sometimes when I am uploading the photos in bulk (like today, three different shots of a neogothic church), some of the pictures seems to be the same. Instead of three different shots (ABC) I have two different and one copy (ABB).
Usually when I delete the copy, the original one seems to be deleted too..
Ok, that is an 'interesting' problem; We need to look into it.
Right now one of the doubled images is accepted and in gallery, the second is accepted but it is waiting for a publication for entire day. ;-)
And I think they both have the same URL now.
Is this the same problem, or related to, the "Double Images" thread I posted on the 13th Sept 2012 (in this Technical Questions forum)?
I think it is a different bug. I had only one doubled image in a bunch of images I've uploaded yesterday...
I removed the double photo from the database.I am not sure what went wrong; we have to investigate this error. It is a very rare issue.
By the way, shouldn't it be "Photo management", not "Photo managment"?
Yes, it should ;)
Again I have double bug. May I delete it or you want to investigate it? ;P
Strange situation. I did see this photo already in the admin screens but I did not had the time to look into it. Now I deleted it. Please keep reporting strange things on the site. I really helps
a typo; the word gallery (top of the page) is the only word without a capital, I mean this............
Welcome Groningen gallery Lightbox Your photo management (etc etc etc)