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4 Letter Words

1. krayker16 July 2010, 13:45 GMT +02:00

You can only change ONE letter, AND/OR rearrange the letters currently available. The first word is:


7778. xymonau8 October 2012, 10:26 GMT +02:00



Michael on the head for making her mouth water again!

7779. micromoth8 October 2012, 14:10 GMT +02:00

@7777 Ooh, delicious! I used to grow strawberries but unfortunately the squirrels soon learned to get their


on them.

7780. xymonau8 October 2012, 15:24 GMT +02:00

we will have to


the strawberries for something else very shortly - and over here, it's almost mango time


7781. Ayla878 October 2012, 15:58 GMT +02:00

at least with the strawberries it is also time for all the


creatures around to slowly go to winter sleep, too.

As for the food - here the pumpkins are popping up heavily
helloween comes nearer...

7782. micromoth8 October 2012, 16:57 GMT +02:00

It's sad when the strawberries are


But mangoes - wow! I wish they grew in the UK.

7783. xymonau8 October 2012, 23:01 GMT +02:00

are they expensive to buy there? We grow them and they are often too expensive. I prefer Kensington Pride - which we used to call "Bowen Special", but the R2D2 is delicious if it's eaten slightly green. Now I'm really drooling, so I'll have to


talking about them

7784. micromoth9 October 2012, 13:28 GMT +02:00

Oh, I wish I could


away a large supply of mangoes from Colombia (where ours come from) and bring them home. I'm sure they're hugely over-priced compared to the cost at source.
Not sure I've ever tried the R2D2 - is it related to the CU3PO?

7785. xymonau9 October 2012, 14:24 GMT +02:00

it was named after the row and line where it was grown, apparently. it's a huge mango (weighs about 500 grams to a kilo or so) - and hopefully not frankenfruit. I never liked them until I ate a slightly green one one day, and it was to die for. I know now not to eat them once they turn yellow. Oh, and they're R2E2 - too much science fiction in my old brain! LOL

now to


something witty and clever...

7786. micromoth9 October 2012, 21:41 GMT +02:00

Sounds like you could play


to a mango party!

7787. xymonau10 October 2012, 5:59 GMT +02:00

I'd better head off to the


and buy a tray of them if we're partying

7788. micromoth10 October 2012, 13:04 GMT +02:00

Michael! You hear that? Get your


teeshirt ironed ready!

7789. xymonau10 October 2012, 13:47 GMT +02:00

ooh! doesn't he look handsome? quickly - take a


of him with your fancy camera

7790. micromoth11 October 2012, 14:25 GMT +02:00

Shall we


everyone? Including on Facebook?

7791. xymonau12 October 2012, 4:17 GMT +02:00

heavens, no!


it somewhere - he's not wearing pants!

7792. Ayla8713 October 2012, 10:53 GMT +02:00

unfortunately I had to


out how to deal with a nasty 4-day migraine attack. It can happen that pants are not your top priority anymore under those circumstances...

7793. xymonau13 October 2012, 12:41 GMT +02:00

That's awful, Michael! I hope it's all better now. It's not caused by dairy foods, is it? I guess you were caught between a


and a hard place - get better, or put your pants on...decisions!

7794. Ayla8713 October 2012, 12:51 GMT +02:00

it's much better already, and it has to do with too much self-made stress. I have to learn lo


my rumbling thoughts better, even when I'm thinking about "positive" subjects like planning the next trip to London. Easier said than done.

7795. xymonau13 October 2012, 13:07 GMT +02:00



head is just not possible at times or for some people

Sometimes the migraine causes the stress, not the other way around.

7796. Ayla8714 October 2012, 8:00 GMT +02:00

you're right, the fear for the next possible attack makes the stress e never ending story. I will jump into the


today, go to the sauna to have some wellness. Nothing I find the time for everyday, but I do my best to live as healthy as I can. It's often hard to find the handbrake to slow things down a little bit.

7797. xymonau14 October 2012, 8:41 GMT +02:00

I guess my life isn't that hectic. But it has been a hard year. My son was bashed unconscious a couple of weeks ago and unable to remember anything that happened. On top of his kidney failure and my two bouts of sickness, my nerves aren't what they should be. I hope you are able to have some relaxation. Otherwise you're on the never-ending


of cause and effect.

7798. Ayla8714 October 2012, 16:13 GMT +02:00

I'm sorry to hear about your son, that's a horrible experience. A kidney failure is pretty serious and I hope he can cope with it an gets better. As far as I'm concerned the day was very relaxing. From tomorrow on I'm back at work after two weeks off and first of all I will possibly start a


from medic to medic, because I now have a tinnitus as a result of that last migraine attack. My ear specialist certaily will know what to do so that it may possibly come to an end. Fortunately not too disturbing, more like the sound of a constant air conditioning blowing exclusively in your ear. I suppose when you have a whistling noise it is far more distracting and really able to drive you crazy.

7799. xymonau15 October 2012, 10:43 GMT +02:00

tinnitus can be very maddening indeed - I hope you can have it cured

having a migraine on your time off is a bit unfair - or poor timing on your behalf!

I wish I could


you with the problem

7800. Ayla8715 October 2012, 11:03 GMT +02:00

I think there is not really a time when a migraine feels good, so it is best to


it as fast as possible and hope the next attack wile take a long while before it breaks out. Unfortunately you can't even do very much when an attack has started. The most important thing is to recognise it instantly to take your medics at the right time (not too early ant not too late) so that they work best. I'm not very good at that lottery.

7801. xymonau15 October 2012, 12:07 GMT +02:00

do you



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