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4 Letter Words

1. krayker16 July 2010, 13:45 GMT +02:00

You can only change ONE letter, AND/OR rearrange the letters currently available. The first word is:


11834. Ayla8726 January 2016, 6:43 GMT +01:00

Don't expect too much when you visit those links. I can't remember if I played on SXC already. When I read our discussion here I get the impression that we must have also discussed in some parallel threads a little bit at the same time. But my memory is not the best.

I didn't consciously note it, but I always had the impression that there is a lot of truth in the words we exchange here, so that must be true. And it didn't hurt. We will see if we are able to


for new four-lettered words. As I wrote before there are over 400.000 of them in the english language, so we still have a variety of dust-free and unused ones to choose from.

What you write about Health care in Australia sounds good to me. Hospitals try to get rid of their patients after operations as fast as possible over here, too. But there seem to be a lot of operations which are not really necessary and doctors still urge you to get operated because the hospitals are payed well for their number of operations. They, and the use of a lot of machines for diagnosis are what brings in the money and makes hospitals economically successful.

11835. xymonau26 January 2016, 15:00 GMT +01:00

There is a lot of criminality in profit making. I once fell over in a previous workplace. Well, that was an understatement. I came running out the front door, went down two only steps, lost my footing, did an amazing ballet trying to stay upright, then fell hard on my knees and hands and rolled into a hollow in the footpath made by someone parking his four wheel drive there all the time. Because my feet were higher than my head, and I was sort of shocked, I couldn't get out of the hole! LOL This, I might add, was on a major highway with hundreds of cars passing, but nowhere to pull over. Finally a driver stopped down the road and came running back to help. At the same time someone in the workplace spotted me, and I suffered the humiliation of being sat on a chair on the side of the road, covered in blood, stockings torn, and covered in dirt. The worst was that I was late to be driving to Brisbane to pick up my granddaughters on a rare occasion from their school, but I had to go home and shower and rinse the dirt and stones out of my wounds as well.

Because I claimed worker's compensation, a local doctor sent me for a barrage of unnecessary tests. He wanted me to have x-rays of my hands and the other knee, which wasn't too badly hurt. 25 in total. I just refused and asked the radiographer to take just the necessary ones. I believe that doctor had a deal with the radiology company. It was scandalous, really. But my right knee was very badly hurt, and I didn't want to set the doctor against me by saying anything, as I needed a few days off work. By the time I got to Brisbane, I could hardly walk, and my knee stiffened up for several days. It was really painful driving as well.

I kind of digressed, but I meant to just talk about the over-servicing. LOL I came down with a


and I learned my lesson and was more careful after that. My only female worker was a smoker, and she fell down a much longer flight of stairs there one day. She had been going outside for a cigarette, and when she landed on her back on the ground, her cigarette was safe! So she stayed on the ground and smoked it before trying to get up! LOL

11836. Ayla8727 January 2016, 6:37 GMT +01:00

Thank you for your very entertaining stories, Dez, you are a good storyteller. It feels as if I was part of what was happening because you describe it so vividly. Life is not always rosy-


when you have to deal with doctors. I visited another neurologic department in one of our hospitals yesterday to tell them about my migraine and get their opinion on what I can possibly do to improve the situation. I had to wait for 1 1/2 hours despite of having an appointment. And then there was apparently not much that they could do for me. They assured me that I'm in good hands already and what my neurologist does is state of the art. So I have to be patient and wait for me new medics (I take them since christmas) to do their job and show how good they are. I may eventually increase the dosis of those medics when they are not sufficient, we will see. I will probably also get a new MRT of my head made, the last one was made 6 years ago and showed nothing spectacular. The brain of a civil servant - what do you expect...

11837. xymonau27 January 2016, 8:51 GMT +01:00


In this day and age you'd assume they could hit a particular nerve with something to prevent the pain, at least. How long will it take for the new meds to kick in and for you to increase them if necessary? I know you are suffering, and it upsets me to think of that. Can they knock you out with drugs during the pain? I know you have probably done everything. Is there anyone overseas who might be able to help?

You've more than paid your


when it comes to pain.

11838. Ayla8727 January 2016, 9:34 GMT +01:00

The new pills
may take up to three months to fully do their work. Christmas is not that long ago, so I will still have to be a patient patient. I won't be covered with


when I wait that long for things to improve. I also have new additional suppositorys again st the pain at hand when the next heavy attack knocks me out. But I can't really expect them to help against the endless vomiting. That can only be avoided when an attack is stopped right in the beginning before the sickness even starts. And that is not easy to achieve. When I take my medics too late at the start of a new attack (because the first signs of an attack are very slight and easy to overlook) the medics won't be able to stop the attack anymore. And it seems to be even worse when the last attack was a bit longer ago, because then the new one is possibly even more powerful and harder to keep under control.

I will try my best to improve things, but pain prevention is obviously easier than to prevent all that vomiting (because the migraine is so strong. Amitriptyline may be helpful here, but it is still too early if it works fo me or if I will have to increase my daily dosis.

11839. xymonau28 January 2016, 7:06 GMT +01:00

Oh - I know that drug! Are you finding your eyesight is affected? The local doctor put me on that for the aura I get, when it was becoming annoying. The flashing takes a half hour or so to stop and leaves me a bit sick in the stomach - wouldn't even register on your scale of unwellness. I couldn't stand it. I had blurred vision, and my mouth was dry. I was also having bad palpitations (I have them because of my heart issues, but they were really made a lot worse), so I had to stop. I know they work well for some, though, and I think it is only in recent years that they have discovered their effect on migraine. They are an old and well known drug, though. I really hope you get a good result from them, Michael, and that they


your condition. Is it possible to use the suppositories more often when you are okay as a preventative or is that not practical? Obviously they are a drug and they may not work that way or it may be too much.

11840. Ayla8728 January 2016, 8:30 GMT +01:00

No, my eyesight is not effected at all. Because I generally have migraine without auras the migraine does not interfere with my eyesight. It only causes high pressure behind my left eye which I find to be somewhat disturbing. And of course I am generally very light sensitive during migraine attacks. The dry mouth is a very common side effect of amitryptiline, but it is not too strong at my current dosis.

During migraine attacks I also feel very sick in the stomach (it refuses to work then and I can't take in any more pills. That is the reason why I use suppositories in that stage.

The new suppositories
are used during acute attacks only, they have no preventative effect. One of their side effects (luckily rather rare) is that you may wakr up one day just to find out that you are dead. When you get an agranulocytosis as a side effect this has a mortality rate of 23%. But I don't intend to


finding more four lettered words here for quite a long time to come.

11841. xymonau28 January 2016, 10:03 GMT +01:00

Have you tried or considered cannabis? Probably illegal there (as it is here), but they give extracts to people who have terrible nausea from chemotherapy and it works well. You are not far from countries that allow it, and I would certainly be trying it. Heroin is illegal here but we should have it for effective pain relief.


11842. Ayla8728 January 2016, 10:57 GMT +01:00

I haven't tried cannabis yet (several colleagues suggested already that I should do so). I wouldn't want to start smoking for that reason. There is a spray (sativex) available, which might work for me, but I must admit that I have some difficulties with the (artificially added) peppermint taste it has. My stomach reacts strongly on peppermint, I don't know why. And if it should smell like peppermint as well that would even increase my problems because I'm also very smell sensitive during migraine attacks. But the main point is indeed the question of its legality. In Germany its use is licensed only when you have MS.

I also have no idea if I could get it prescribed when I declare it to be my new


11843. xymonau28 January 2016, 17:13 GMT +01:00

From what I read about German law, hardly anyone is charged for small amounts. I'm not being awful, and as I've said before, I believe in prohibition, and I am dead against the social use of substances, including alcohol. However, you have such a terrible medical problem that you have to try what you can. If you could holiday in, say, the Netherlands and stay long enough to get a migraine, that would be a perfect opportunity to experiment and see if it helps. I think it actually would stop the vomiting. Whether it made your headaches any worse is another thing.


11844. Ayla8729 January 2016, 7:57 GMT +01:00

Oh, I wouldn't expect to be charged for tagink this medicine. It is strictly forbidden (and you would risk a penalty) to drive when you are taking such drugs. But I don't have a car and not even a driving license, so there is no danger on that front. I will eventually discuss this topic with my neurologist. Experts have begun a discussion to legalize the use ov sativex in Germany for more illnesses than only MS:


I hope they will come to terms this year. Those discussions obviously take a lot of


The result should be that my private health insurance would take over the cost of this medication, so that I wouln't have to travel anywhere to get it. I have not traveled for several years now because I always expect migraine attacks then. It wouldn't be worth the effort to spend money on a vacation just to lay in a hotel bed for days and to feel terribly sick there. The last time when I tried to plan a vacation I was so excited that I got a migraine attack just from looking online for hotels in London. I then stopped any further attempt to travel. So of course my migraine heavily interferes with my life satisfaction. I can get no satisfaction, at least not much of it.

But there is always hope that things can improve again, so I will keep on trying what works best for me. The amitryptiline is quite promising so far, despite it being too early to really give a reliable estimation. But my last heavy attack with a lot of that vomiting was now already more than three weeks ago. That is good. During the last days I was able to recognise upcoming attacks in a very early stadium and that gave me the chance to successfully stop them before they could get any worse. If I can continue to do so that would be a great relief. Maybe the amitryptiline helps in this way. My previous prophylactic medicine obviously made it more difficult to recognise upcoming attacks early enough to stop them.

Hm. Old men like me obviously like to chat endlessly about their illnesses. Now the weekend is ahead of us, and if no migraine interferes Christa and I intend to go eating in an indian restaurant tomorrow. This is our favourite nationality as far as food is concerned, so we are looking forward to it. And I always fondly order my meals extra hot.

Yesterday Mimi managed to bring in another one of the shrews. She started to play around with it in our living room. Christa noticed that we had such a lovely tiny guest and joined in on hunting it through our living room. She could trap it kindly and bring it out well outside of Mimis reach. This time the mouse survived the adventure without any wounds, so we hope she will take the chance and tell about it to all the mice nearby so that they have more respect for Mimi and keep away from her reach. Mimi was not too upset that Christa took her new toy away, but she would have loved to play with it longer, of course.

11845. xymonau29 January 2016, 15:49 GMT +01:00

Ah, the mighty huntress! LOL

I'm glad that there appears to be a start of an improvement for you, Michael. Cross fingers, and I hope it turns out to be a real help.

My son loves Indian food - but not the hot curries. He likes the flavours, but light on the chili. I can't say I particularly like many Indian dishes. I like a lot of the milder spices like turmeric. The last time I bought Indian food, I had something that initially tasted okay, but after a while I disliked it. It may have had cilantro in it. Chinese - and the modern variations on it - are my favourites. I know it isn't original, but Chinese lemon or honey chicken are delicious. I love salt and pepper tofu, and their omelettes. I like steamed or fried rice, but no pork. And I always ask them to leave out the oyster sauce. I dislike that intensely.

It has been so long since I ate out. I never liked making a fuss just for a meal, when I could make it at home for a quarter of the price, but it's nice sometimes. I do buy take away meals, though. Today I had an appointment in Hervey Bay, and I hadn't eaten at all in the morning, so I shouted myself a kebab (in a wrap, not on a stick) and a fancy coffee made on soy milk. I couldn't swallow properly - I'm going through a harder time with that lately - so I ended up bringing it home in all its soggy glory. I still like the flavour, even when they're soggy. I got caught in a dreadful storm on the way, too.

I found out my workplace has received the IME report, and I think I'll be sacked by next Friday. I am going to sue them for breach of privacy, if I can afford it. They sent a lot of my information from a different claim to the IME without my authority. They have no respect, and they are trying to avoid discussing the matter. I hardly have the energy to take them on, but I will. They have treated me shabbily, and I don't feel like being nice about anything. The worst is that I will not be allowed access to the medical report, even though they are deciding my future based on it. It makes me feel powerless and very angry.

Never mind. That's life. Now, you are going to have to tell me all about your


and everything you have tomorrow. I can pretend I was there. :o) Is the restaurant very far from your place?

11846. micromoth31 January 2016, 9:00 GMT +01:00


11847. xymonau31 January 2016, 17:02 GMT +01:00


And where have you been??

11848. gesinek31 January 2016, 19:32 GMT +01:00


11849. Ayla871 February 2016, 6:50 GMT +01:00

We are happy, the indian food on saturday was very tasty once again. Christa had tofu with well flavoured spinach and rice and loved it. My choice was chicken jalferezi, whick is chicken and vegs in a tomato sauce. I ordered it very hot of course and it was great. I would


that readily again on one of our next visits there. That restaurant is only two small train stations away from where we live.

We don't get chinese honey chicken over here, it must be a regional variation. Sounds interesting! I like chicken with vegs and garlic with a bbq sauce very much. It is offered here by quite a lot (but not all) of the chinese restaurants.

For us it is now also the time for stormy wheather, but so far nothing serious has happened.

You sound as if the new owners of your workplace deliberately sought for a reason to sack you. They don't seem to have an idea what they are losing. It is astonishing that you are not permitted so see that IME report. We have good rights here to access records and ask for copies of reports.

11850. xymonau1 February 2016, 9:51 GMT +01:00

Although I have spent a great deal of time re the privacy thing today - responding to the claim that they had the right to share my information - I am still elated. I had to see the specialist re the outcome of my last op, and I was given a clean bill of health - at least regarding that. I was grinning all day about it. I feel like a weight has been lifted. I really frustrated the surgeon, as they want to remove bits anyway. I asked him why I should have a huge operation if there is nothing wrong, and he was pushing the line of prevention. I just said he wouldn't take a kidney out to prevent cancer in the future, so I would pass, thanks. He said he didn't know how to manage me, and I reminded him that there isn't anything to manage at present. I suggested some baseline tests and a follow up in six months, and he reluctantly agreed. So I feel on top of the world, in spite of having only three hours sleep last night.

I haven't eaten all day, and I'm about to feast on cherries. Yum!

Garlic chicken is nice, and I like Chinese bbq sauce, too. It may be similar to a "special" sauce they offer in some places here - bbq and lots of spices to flavour - and which I like if it isn't too hot. I also like sweet and sour chicken. Actually, there are a lot of flavours I enjoy in Chinese food. I'm glad you had a nice night.

Re getting sacked - it was the local people who started on me, and one person in particular, who had a set on me (of which I was unaware) after I challenged her professionalism once, before she was my boss. She was in another location, so I was spared a lot of contact until the merger, then she brought her particular brand of chaos to bear on my work environment. Then I got sick, and they have used the opportunity to get rid of me. However, ostensibly it's so they can replace me permanently. I know the person currently doing my work will stay on even if the job isn't permanent. And she is sneaking around doing all kinds of inappropriate things that she shouldn't, and should never have that job at all. But I am not going to worry about it right now. I feel happy for once! LOL


11851. Ayla871 February 2016, 10:46 GMT +01:00

A feast on cherries is always a nice idea and I suppose it is tastier than to feast on


It is good to hear that the recent specialist could join you in an optimistic summary on the results so far.

Bullying is certainly often the true reason when someone gets sacked, but of course nobody would ever admit that it is so in a concrete case. We live in an elbow society.

11852. micromoth1 February 2016, 12:48 GMT +01:00


@11847 Just been really, really busy with editing books and stuff and writing my own novels. Glad to hear you're in good health again. Enjoy the cherries!

11853. xymonau2 February 2016, 7:38 GMT +01:00

Cherries were scrumptious. Big fat Tasmanian ones.

Kevin, have you written other novels? Names, please? I'm interested. I seem to know a lot of writers these days. I was never creative enough for fiction. I'd have been a good journalist - in the days before news became cheap entertainment.

The work thing drags on, but they have caught on that I mean business. Now they are denying having sent the information - although I asked for clarity on that, as they might mean they sent other things as well. The legislation they sent me is contained in their policies, and still has no bearing on the issue at hand. Never mind. I have lots of good things happening as well.

It's so hot here today. No records or anything, but it's going to be 36C, and in my converted tin shed - raked ceilings - that's a bit warm. I always long for autumn at this point in summer. I love the longer days, but I'll happily accept the trade off for some coolness.

Thunder storms


happening intermittently - one started just now - and the high pressure areas are keeping it hot.

11854. micromoth2 February 2016, 10:33 GMT +01:00

My general view of management is that one could


for the lack of common courtesy and good sense!

Novels - still looking for a publisher. I might resort to e-publishing. But I have published poems, puppet sketches, articles and so on.

Temperatures here in the UK are far lower than what you're experiencing, but oh goodness we have had so much rain - one of our chief imports from the USA Atlantic Coast!

11855. Ayla872 February 2016, 11:04 GMT +01:00

common courtesy and good sense are obviously too expensive for most people, so it is better not to expect too much from them. I'm lucky, though, that we


this thread here to be a happy place.

Good luck in your search for a publisher. I have the impression that is no easy task.

Dez, I think autumn lurks around the corner already for you at this time of the year. We expect a maximum of 11°C here today. I suppose this would make you shiver now.

11856. xymonau2 February 2016, 13:20 GMT +01:00

It would, Michael, and I'd probably complain about that, too! LOL What would humans talk about if not for the weather?

Kevin - where were your poems published? I have had a couple of religious articles published - in the time when I was a real Christian - as well as a poem - doggerel, really, but with a good point - on the cover of the same magazine. I was even paid for them at the time, and I felt so shamefully proud! LOL

My father always loved poetry, and he once wrote some that were really very good. I have them somewhere - packed away inaccessibly. He also wrote articles for Fur and Feather magazine in England, re the breeding of Old English Game fowl. I think my sister has all the copies of those magazines.

It must be much harder these days to get a book published in print. I know people still buy them, but we have changed to a mostly electronic society now. It's a shame, but the convenience is real.

I love going to the book section in stores and having a


at some of the new and trending titles. Sadly, no more Terry Pratchett books to look for now.

11857. micromoth3 February 2016, 8:27 GMT +01:00

Thanks Michael and Dez. Yes I like to


out a good book too. It is sad that Terry Pratchett has passed away. I often refer to him and Charles Dickens as two examples of absolute masters of written conversations. Tom Holt has written some fun stuff in the same genre as Terry Pratchett.

Getting a book published nowadays is very difficult. Publishers are usually only interested in well-known existing authors, as those are perceived to be low-risk investments. So how can one become a well-known author?... Catch 22.

My poems are scattered in fairly obscure places. I've also written some lyrics and I think one folk songster still sings one of them as part of his repertoire, but I've lost touch with him.

Dez - not sure what you mean by referring to a time when you were a real Christian?

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