Jack Frost Was Here

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Jack Frost Was Here: This is a shot of my back door after we had left the storm door open all day durning Christmas day. When we finally closed it we found this nice display of frost. Taken at night with the Christmas lights lit behind it.
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This is a shot of my back door after we had left the storm door open all day durning Christmas day. When we finally closed it we found this nice display of frost. Taken at night with the Christmas lights lit behind it.
Jack Frost Was Here: This is a shot of my back door after we had left the storm door open all day durning Christmas day. When we finally closed it we found this nice display of frost. Taken at night with the Christmas lights lit behind it.
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Image properties
Dimensions: 2272px * 1704px
Published: May - 16 - 2012
Camera: Hewlett-packard
Date: 2006:12:29 19:02:13
Exposure: 1/3s
Focal length: 6.25mm
ISO: 200
Permalink nxwUAJ8x
textures playing_with_light blurs
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Jack Frost Was Here: This is a shot of my back door after we had left the storm door open all day durning Christmas day. When we finally closed it we found this nice display of frost. Taken at night with the Christmas lights lit behind it. Jack Frost Was Here: This is a shot of my back door after we had left the storm door open all day durning Christmas day. When we finally closed it we found this nice display of frost. Taken at night with the Christmas lights lit behind it. Jack Frost Was Here: This is a shot of my back door after we had left the storm door open all day durning Christmas day. When we finally closed it we found this nice display of frost. Taken at night with the Christmas lights lit behind it. Jack Frost Was Here: This is a shot of my back door after we had left the storm door open all day durning Christmas day. When we finally closed it we found this nice display of frost. Taken at night with the Christmas lights lit behind it. 300px //b.rgbimg.com/users/c/cd/cdw0107/600/nxwUAJ8.jpg 600px //b.rgbimg.com/users/c/cd/cdw0107/600/nxwUAJ8.jpg 100px