Well, it had to be done, didn't it? And since this is both the first and last post, I have won. Thank you all.
ooh, i miss all of that. esp I R baboon was hilarious. same with dorkster :) simply love that stuff. also love the pun and wit. many of the toons mock disney and the slapstick in general. especially the "ugly" toons like ir baboon, they deliberately make it not-beautiful. totally awesome!
You young whippersnappers an' yer new-fangled cartoons! No wonder you can't win this game. Your brains is fried. We fans of Daffy Duck is winners.
I just love cartoons. All of them. One of the most blissfull ways to rot your brain in life. : )
And where have you been, dragonlady? I've had to fight these men alone!
I love daffy duck/ loony toons too! and my favorite chap is Yosemite Sam :)
Waiting for them to tire you out *Bwa hahaha* - Actually, been working 18 hour days at my shop. Prom season rush. I need to take the work making gowns when I can get it.
Well, I hope you made a killing. Make some here, too, please. Pick a man - any man! ;o)
Another one here for looney tunes :P
Dez... if you thought that Christine killed me yet, you were wrong.
I win.
Wakes up after a few days of offlineness, grabbing the win again.
Looney Tunes are sw33t! Daffy!
Anyone read Noam Chomsky? He's not Daffy Duck, but he's almost as charismatic.
Yes, but he doesn't make me laugh... he makes me cry ;)
Naomi Klein too.
Noam is before your time, from your time, and will be from a time to come :P
That's like saying, "Shakespeare is before my time". Some people's stuff is timeless.
Yup, Shakespear is before my time. But there are about 168 movies in a year with the same clueline :D
Hi Cris, Long time no see :). Sneaking won't help. I'm monitoring this thread all day long :)